In a world where efficiency and focus of a tradesperson is the only valuable currency, the coffee bean has become a sort of percolated potion of productivity and a standard solution to mental fatigue. But, it is far more than that, coffee is a warm and captivating experience that begins to tantalize the body and stimulate the mind even before the first drop of jumper juice even touches your tongue.
The aroma of brewing coffee affects an awakening through the olfactory nerves and builds an anticipation as enjoyable as the drink itself. It is little wonder that this glorious bean has inspired a following of devotees with unparalleled fanaticism in their search for the sublime cup of coffee.
There are many approaches to this quest and a common error is to begin by investing more cash in the coffee experience in hopes that this will pave the path their caffeinated salvation, but this is not the way. Any coffee aficionado will tell you that the best cup of coffee begins with an appreciation of the bean itself and a deep understanding of the brewing process.
The following article will include the most important factors that will affect the quality, flavor and effectiveness of your blessed morning brew. Study on for an enlightened perspective on the selection and production process of the perfect homebrewed coffee so you can make the most of any investments you hope will enhance your final product and give you the greatest start to your day.
- Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans
The perfect cup of coffee begins with the beans selected for the ritual. The best selection will be a coffee bean that has been roasted just days ago. A home coffee roaster would be ideal for the master coffee aficionado, but a recently roasted bean, albeit of lesser quality, will taste better than an older bean of a higher-grade. Look for local roasters who buy green beans, and roast in house. They may be your gateway to deeper and richer coffee experiences.
- Storage
The way the coffee you buy has been stored or packaged will also affect the flavor content. Oxygen and direct sunlight are flavor killers. Look for the guys that store freshly-roasted beans in dark airtight containers and packaging. Never buy more than a week’s supply at a time, especially if you are buying grinds (which you shouldn’t). Keep your coffee in an airtight container at room temperature and away from bright sunlight.
- Choose Good Coffee
If you have ever seen a group of snobby wine aficionados looking down their noses and critiquing the soils of South France and debating the nuances of Mahogany, this is nothing compared to coffee snobbism. So maniacal is the quest for a better cup of coffee that the rich and successful will willingly spend small fortunes to savor a bean that has been consumed and defecated by an elephant or civet. Special digestive juices enhance flavor, if reports can be believed.
But, you can enjoy exquisite cups of coffee by simply selecting from above the dubious quality found in mass-marketed commercial brands. As a rule, if you can find a roaster in your local community, they will be the best access two the freshest varieties of beans that just about anybody and any budget can afford.
100% Arabica beans are by far the preferred beans on the market and offer a full variety of flavors based on their origins, roasting style and plenty more specifics and factors that can and should be explored. Until you can fully appreciate the flavor differences and delicate nuances that a quality Arabica bean can offer, many of the complex flavors and experiences of the most expensive coffee beans can seem elusive.
- Grind Your Own Beans
A good coffee grinder is an investment you will not regret. Once you have ground a bean, the flavor is slowly being bled away, even if you have it sealed in an airtight container, the loss of flavor is tangible even to the most amateur coffee aficionado. You will find the superior cup of coffee is ground to a proper size only moments before being brewed. Even here an expensive and time-consuming burr mill will produce the perfect lumps and surface areas to maximize the release of flavonoids and caffeine for a superior cup. But, you might not notice the difference, from an electric “blender” style grinder. Then you can practice getting the best grinds for your specific apparatus, be it a percolator, French press or Espresso machine.
- Use Pure Water
The water used can greatly affect the flavors of your coffee. If you live in a region with highly-chlorinated, fluoridated or highly-mineralized water supplies, consider using a purified water to brew your coffee. Don’t use distilled or softened waters though, some of those minerals make the coffee taste better.
- Proper Measurements
Too little coffee or water that is too hot can produce the signature robust bitterness without the energizing and empowering flavors of coffee. Make sure you are releasing the full flavor palette from your beans with the proper amounts of coffee grinds to water. For a standard 6-Oz cup of coffee you will need 2-level spoons of coffee grinds. Skimping around robs you of coffee’s true flavors and efficacy.
- Proper Temperatures
An expensive class of coffeedetourcoffee.com features flavors and experiences that are very delicate, using water that is too hot will extract compounds from the bean that are decidedly bitter. This can overpower more delicate flavor profiles found in more expensive brands of coffee. Furthermore, once the coffee has been brewed, those flavors are quickly vanishing. Next time you come around, you will notice a different experience than that first cup.
- Know Your Equipment
You will want to know exactly what you are using to produce your coffee and how it is contributing or detracting from the experience. The coffee machine should be given a vinegar wash once a month, or less if not used as often. And all storage containers and grinders should be washed out form older grinds regularly.