Cherries have nutritional and medicinal properties, highlighting their richness in antioxidants, which is the subject of studies for their application, both in the prevention and in the treatment of serious diseases.

The cherry is collected without a tail, put to dry on wooden boards in the sun, and they are selected as they remain with the appropriate texture. They are vacuum packed to protect them from drying out and dusting.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Dried Cherries?

Dried cherries ensure their availability every month of the year. Among its many healthy properties are weight loss, cholesterol reduction, diabetes control, and fighting heart disease. Its powerful natural antioxidants place it as a possibility for the fight against cancer and other autoimmune diseases.

According to the vegan diet, cherries are rich in vitamin C, beta carotenes, and minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, among others, being the levels of nutrients contained in dried cherries almost as high as in their state cool.

In addition, due to their natural sugars, they can provide immediate extra energy, making them ideal for sports nutrition or strenuous physical work.

What Are The Antioxidant Properties Of Dried Cherries?

Dried tart cherries are low in saturated fat, sodium, cholesterol, and calories. They contain almost 20 different antioxidants, which places them in a very special place for health since they fight disease more effectively than other fruits. Blueberries are very rich in antioxidants, but dried cherries surpass them by containing 19 times more beta-carotene than blueberries and strawberries.

Cherries contain a very special flavonoid for health called “quercetin,” which can prevent heart disease. They also contain a phenolic acid called “amygdalin,” which has been shown to reduce the size of tumors and decrease the pain of the cancerous process.

Dried cherries are very rich in “anthocyanins,” compounds that generate cellular antioxidant protection and stimulate tissue repair, in addition to lowering cholesterol, relieving pain from arthritis, and gout. The flavonoids contained in dried cherries can also reduce the risk of the pre-diabetic syndrome.

What Are The Contraindications In The Consumption Of Cherries?

Do not consume cherries in the following cases:

  • If before pregnancy, there was intolerance to cherries.
  • If you have an allergy to cherries.
  • If you have gas when consuming.
  • Immediately before or after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • If you have an intestinal obstruction.